Traditional brick production process

Brick Powdering Machine

This machine is placed at the beginning of the production line, being responsible for pulverizing the soil entering the line and crushing its coarse particles. Typically, this equipment has a capacity of 20-50 tons/h. Its driving force is powered by an electric motor and transferred to the grinding blades via several belts.

Silo Machine in Brick Production Line

This machine, also known as a box feeder, stores and transfers clay in the brick production line. By using this device, the functionality of the brick production line has been largely automated. Owing to their enclosed nature, these silos have the capability to store clay within them and prevent its leakage. At certain stages, it is necessary for the clay to remain stationary for several hours to mix well with water and become ready for shaping, a process carried out within these silos.

Roller Mill Machine

After the clay is mixed in the mixer, passing it through this machine is necessary to achieve high quality. This machine, with two rotating rollers at a maximum distance of 5 mm, creates layered clay. This stage plays an important role in preparing the clay and enhancing its quality.

Extruder Machine

The clay exiting the vacuum mixer enters this machine to create the desired brick shape. It can be said that the extruder machine is the most crucial stage in brick production and the determinant of production line efficiency.

Brick Press Mold

The mold used in the extruder machine determines the shape of the output brick. This mold varies depending on the desired brick shape and type. For instance, a brick mold with 10 holes is displayed in the image below.

Cutter Machine

This machine, placed immediately after the press, cuts the bricks into desired dimensions. Using very thin cutting wires and passing them through the formed clay, this equipment cuts the clay into bricks.

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